Lanzagorta. J, M. A,, De la Torre, C. and Aller, P. 1988, The effect of butyrate on cell cycle progression in Allium cepa root meristems. -Physiol, Plant. 72; 775-781, Sodium butyrate at 4 mM and above blocked cell proliferation in root meristems of Atliimi cepa L, bulbs, Cytophotometrie determinations in asynchronously growing cells, as well as cycle kinetics in synchronous binucleate cells, indicated that blocking took place at mid-Gi and at, or close to, the S/G, border. Cell progression through S phase and mitosis was little affected. The eell eyele bloekage induced by 6 mM butyrate was reversible when the drug was applied for periods of time not exceeding 12 h. Butyrate did not affect nucleie acid and protein synthesis activities, though its action on the cell cycle ressembled that produced by translation inhibitors.