. Can. J . Chem. 59, 2184Chem. 59, (1981.Reactions of phenoxyl, iminoxyl, nitroxyl, peroxyl, and alkoxyl radicals with VO(acac), in solution have been studied by kinetic esr spectroscopy. Rates of reaction are first-order with respect to each reactant and radical reactivity increases in the order galvinoxyli 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenoxyl< di(l-adamanty1)methylene-iminoxyl< tert-butylperoxyl. Rates of reaction are retarded by pyridine and accelerated by methanol and there is an isotope effect on the rate when the hydroxyl proton of C H 3 0 H is replaced by deuterium. Vanadium-5 I nmr spectroscopy has demonstrated that several vanadium(V) products are formed while conventional product studies have indicated that, in the case of phenoxyl and alkoxyl, the radical is reduced almost exclusively to the parent phenol and alcohol and that VO(acac), is eventually regenerated in substantial yields. The net reaction is, therefore, catalytic reduction of the radical. Variable temperature esr studies have shown that phenoxyl and iminoxyl radicals and VO(acac), exist in equilibrium with diamagnetic reaction products. Utilisant la spectroscopie de rpe cinktique, on a etudie les reactions des radicaux phenoxyle, iminoxyle, nitroxyle, peroxyle et alkoxyle avec le VO(acac), en solution. Les vitesses de reaction sont du premier ordre par rapport a chaque rkactifet la reactivite des radicaux augmente dans I'ordre suivant: galvinoxyle < tri-tert-butyl-2,4,6 phenoxyle < di(adamanty1-1) methylhe iminoxyle < tert-butylperoxyle. Les vitesses de reaction sont ralenties par la pyridine et accelCrees par le methanol et le remplacement du proton hydroxylique du C H 3 0 H par un deuterium provoque un effet isotopique cinttique. La spectroscopie de rmn du vanadium-51 a demontre qu'il se forme plusieurs produits du vanadium(V) tandis que des etudes conventionnelles des produits indiquent que, dans le cas du phenoxyle et de I'alkoxyle, le radical est presqu'exclusivement reduit en phenol apparente et en alcool alors que le compose VO(acac), est regenere avec des rendements qui sont eventuellement substantiels. La reaction globale est cependant une reduction catalytique du radical. Des etudes de rpe ti temperature variable rtvelent que les radicaux phenoxyle et iminoxyle et le VO(acac), existent en equilibre avec des produits de reaction diamagnetiques.[Traduit par le journal] Introduction to give a vanadium(V)-ROOH complex which is ~t is well known that oxidation of olefins, Sul-followed by nucleophilic attack at the "activated" phides, sulphoxides, and amines by alkyl hydro--0-0-bond of the hydroperoxide by the peroxides (ROOH) is catalyzed by vanadyl acetyl-nucleo~hile. acetonate, VO(acac), (1).Although these oxidations are heterolytic there is some evidence that free-radicals are produced by