A review on research has been made regarding recent developments aiming at reducing the negative environmental impact (because sometimes it might be positive) derived from industrial manufacturing processes of lignocellulosic-derived products, from their utilization, and also from their disposal at the end of their life. The most common journals of the wood science and environmental fields have been screened and relevant papers on this topic are referred and commented. This paper covers mainly lignocellulosic-based products taken as materials. That is saying, materials of common use and that were made incorporating mostly raw materials from forest or agriculture plants. Examples of such products are particleboard, waferboard, MDF, OSB, plywood and lignocellulosic-plastic composites. Excluded from this review are utilizations of biomass for heat=energy production or its processing for chemicals (e.g., ethanol). Important issues for this paper are: lignocellulosic wastes and sub-products recycling, Wood preservation environmental issues, VOCVolatile Organic Compounds emissions, adhesion of wood and LCA -Life-Cycle Assessment of forest products.