Introduction: Although creative therapies like painting, dancing, and writing are often used and encouraged to treat various diseases, including cancer, there are few systematic scientific studies on innovative therapies in medical care. Methods: An anonymous survey was developed for female patients, their relatives, and female medical staff on the impact of creative therapies on optimizing clinical therapy management in exclusively female trials. Results: Of 718 respondents, 358 were female patients, 69 were medical personnel, and 291 were in the control group. Overall, 91.2% of respondents had sought access to creative therapies, indicating strong self-motivated engagement in activities to improve health and well-being. This study also uncovered a significant preference for creative writing among patients. Furthermore, the data suggest that integrating innovative therapies into biopsychosocial anamnesis could offer valuable insights into patients’ mobility, mood, and social behaviors. Despite a general hesitation to discuss leisure activities with medical professionals, many patients wanted to incorporate creative activities into their treatment plans. Moreover, group settings for innovative therapy were preferred, highlighting the need for more structured support in medical environments to facilitate these therapeutic interactions. Conclusions: This study suggests creative therapies can be valuable in medical care.