CPA enabling competencies underpin the human skills and professional values that all future accountants should possess. Nevertheless, to date, the discourse is limited within the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) on how to best inculcate these competencies in future accountants. This study attempts to spark such a discourse by conducting a structured literature review (SLR) of the research‐informed instructional strategies to foster CPA enabling competencies, skills, and values in future accountants, and outlines future research opportunities. The findings indicate that the CPA competency “acting ethically and demonstrating professional values” can be engrained in future accountants using business cases and targeted courses/lessons in accounting classrooms. “Leading” is best taught through targeted courses/lessons. “Collaboration” can be gained through team‐based learning (group work) and software. “Managing self and others” can be engrained through a strategic course setup. “Adding value” can be achieved by experiential learning. “Solving problems” can be facilitated through in‐class activities that specifically target critical thinking skills. Finally, “communication” is facilitated with writing tasks and software. The top five research‐informed teaching tools that advance CPA enabling competencies are collegial tools (i.e., group work, peer review, and writing prompts), software, business cases, experiential tools, and targeted courses/lessons. In the future, an in‐depth SLR should be conducted on each of the five research‐informed teaching tools for their integration within accounting classrooms.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.