The study of systems with memory requires methods which are different from the methods used in regular dynamics. Systems with power-law memory in many cases can be described by fractional differential equations, which are integrodifferential equations. To study the general properties of nonlinear fractional dynamical systems we use fractional maps, which are discrete nonlinear systems with power-law memory derived from fractional differential equations. To study fractional maps we use the notion of α-families of maps depending on a single parameter α > 0 which is the order of the fractional derivative in a nonlinear fractional differential equation describing a system experiencing periodic kicks. α-families of maps represent a very general form of multi-dimensional nonlinear maps with power-law memory, in which the weight of the previous state at time t i in defining the present state at time t is proportional to (t − t i ) α−1 . They may be applicable to studying some systems with memory such as viscoelastic materials, electromagnetic fields in dielectric media, Hamiltonian systems, adaptation in biological systems, human memory, etc. Using the fractional logistic and standard α-families of maps as examples we demonstrate that the phase space of nonlinear fractional dynamical systems may contain periodic sinks, attracting slow diverging trajectories, attracting accelerator mode trajectories, chaotic attractors, and cascade of bifurcations type trajectories whose properties are different from properties of attractors in regular dynamical systems.