“…The epidemiology (Raboisson et al, 2013), investigation (Mee, 2020a), immunology (Jawor et al, 2017), microbiology (Mee et al, 2021), pathology (Mock et al, 2020) and control (Szenci et al, 2012) of perinatal mortality have all been advanced. While congenital defects were traditionally documented as case reports (Mee, 1994), increasingly the epidemiology (Whitlock et al, 2008;Romero et al, 2020), pathology (Gehrke et al, 2019) and aetiology (Mee, 1995;Reinartz & Distl, 2017) of such cases are presented so that our current knowledge has advanced from the singular to the population level. Current advances in genetic diagnostics (Sieck et al, 2020) have added greatly to our understanding of the causes of some of these defects and ultimately their prevention.…”