Cognition including perceptual processes has dominated psychological research during the last decades. However, articles reporting perceptual and cognitive measures with an assessment focus excluding achievement measures, i.e., articles emphasizing the psychometric quality of measures, are rare. For this reason we concluded that a special issue of European Journal of Psychological Assessment should present perceptual and cognitive measures in accordance with the established tradition of psychometric research. We asked colleagues who have done research in this area and are experts in the field to share their expertise and to present major research tools from a psychometric perspective.Although the European Journal of Psychological Assessment covers the area of psychological assessment in total, the majority of published research comes from the areas of personality, attitude, and values questionnaires (Alonso-Arbiol & van de Vijver, 2010), with perceptual and cognitive measures being rarely considered. The category of cognitive and educational tests that includes these measures even showed a decrease from the 1992-1996 period through the 2005-2009 period: During the latter period only 6.4% of the published papers belonged to this category. In fact, in the most recent evaluation of the journal the category was not even listed (Ortner & Vormittag, 2011). During the last 2 years only three articles from this category have appeared in European