This study pres ents the con cen tra tions of radionuclides and heavy met als in twenty-six ta ble ol ive (Olea europaea L.) sam ples, and an as sess ment of the health risks as so ci ated with their con sump tion. The sam ples were col lected from dif fer ent towns in the Med i ter ra nean re gion of Tur key, one of the ma jor ol ive-pro duc ing coun tries in the world. The av er age ac tiv ity concen tra tions of 226 Ra, 232 Th, 40 K, and 137 Cs in the ed ible parts of the ta ble ol ive sam ples were found as 37.9 ± 4.1, 7.1 ± 0.5, 274.6 ± 14.7, and 7.2 ± 0.7 Bqkg (dw), re spec tively, by us ing a gamma ray spec trom e ter. The ef fec tive ra di a tion dose due to the in take of these radionuclides through in ges tion of ol ive sam ples var ied from 3.4 to 22.7 mSv with an av er age value of 11 ± 1 mSv. The av er age con cen tra tions of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, and Pb in the ed ible parts of the ta ble ol ive sam ples were de ter mined as 2.04, 11.08, 166.60, 0.20, 10.29, 13.81, 14.34, 4.50, and 4.55 mgg-1 , re spec tively, by us ing an in duc tively cou pled plasma op ti cal emis sion spec trom e ter. Based on the mea sured con tent of the radionuclides and heavy met als, the re sults im ply that ta ble ol ives are safe for hu man con sump tion.