Cloud computing has its characteristics along with so me important issues that should be handled to improve the performance and increase the efficiency of the cloud platform. These issues are related to resources management, fault tolerance, and security. The purpose of this research is to handle the resource management problem, wh ich is to allocate and schedule virtual mach ines of cloud computing in a way that help providers to reduce makespan time of tasks. In this paper, a hybrid algorith m for dynamic tasks scheduling over cloud's virtual machines is introduced. This hybrid algorith m me rges the behaviors of three effective techniques from the swarm intelligence techniques that are used to find a near optimal solution to d ifficu lt co mb inatorial problems. It exp loits the advantages of ant colony behavior, the behavior of particle swarm and honeybee foraging behavior. Experimental results reinforce the strength of the proposed hybrid algorith m. They also prove that the proposed hybrid algorith m is the best and outperformed ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization , artificial bee colony and other known algorithms.