“…Wewere able to identify our challenges through the paper [12]which discussed the challenges and opportunities of using AIfor mental health diagnosis, including issues related to dataquality,privacy,andethicalconsiderations.Thefutureofme ntal health assessment using AI was provided by [13] andwe took inspiration from it to work on this project altogetherwhere it provides anoverview of the current advances in AIformentalhealth,includingtheuseofmachinelearning,natura l language processing, and deep learning techniques. Westudied the past trends of AI in the field of mental health in thepaper [14]wheretheauthorreviewstheuseofAIandmachinel earninginpsychiatryoverthepast10years,including the use of AI for diagnosis, treatment, and outcomeprediction.Anothersimilarpaperwhichtookdatafroms peech,facialexpressions,andphysiologicalsignals [15]provide s an overview of the role of AI in the detection anddiagnosis of mental health disorders, including the use of AIfor analyzing the aforementioned. To conclude, a review of thewhole research resulted in us following the paper [16] whichprovides a comprehensive review of the applications of AI inmentalhealthcare,includingdiagnosis,treatment,andprevent ion, as well as the ethical and legal considerations ofusing AI in mental health care, inspiring us to go for a musicrecommendationsystemforourmodel.…”