DOI: 10.1007/s00521-020-04736-7
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Artificial intelligence based commuter behaviour profiling framework using Internet of things for real-time decision-making

Abstract: Road traffic environments are highly dynamic and volatile with a multitude of roadside and external environmental factors contributing to its dynamicity. Apart from infrastructure-related means such as traffic lights, planned and unplanned road events and different road networks, a core component which contributes towards the traffic environment is the human factor which is heavily overlooked in the current studies. Due to diverse travel patterns of day-to-day activities, the commuter behaviour is directly dep… Show more

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Cited by 30 publications
(18 citation statements)
References 33 publications
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“…In addition, the combination of uncontrolled and monitored learning, clustered and metaheuristic approaches, and new self-functionalities can provide a new set of tools and know-how to help it grasp these complicated evolving production processes [15]. Here ML solution can turn the human view into the understanding, beyond the present latest technology, of the many relationships, physical occurrences, analyses of causal relationships, and decisions [16,17]. Attendees can be quicker, more customizable, more effective, and convenient (green production), yet more affordable and socially connected.…”
Section: Introduction To Cyber-physical Systemmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In addition, the combination of uncontrolled and monitored learning, clustered and metaheuristic approaches, and new self-functionalities can provide a new set of tools and know-how to help it grasp these complicated evolving production processes [15]. Here ML solution can turn the human view into the understanding, beyond the present latest technology, of the many relationships, physical occurrences, analyses of causal relationships, and decisions [16,17]. Attendees can be quicker, more customizable, more effective, and convenient (green production), yet more affordable and socially connected.…”
Section: Introduction To Cyber-physical Systemmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The proposed self-building AI framework is primarily focused on smart cities in this paper that can be materialized for Big Data driven traffic management systems (Bandaragoda et al 2020;Nallaperuma et al 2019), intelligent video surveillance in public places/ pedestrian walks with capability to detect anomalies (Nawaratne et al 2019a(Nawaratne et al , 2019b(Nawaratne et al , 2019c, recognize human actions (Nawaratne et al 2019a(Nawaratne et al , 2019b(Nawaratne et al , 2019c, summarise surv e i l l a n c e v i d e o t o d e t e c t u n u s u a l b e h a v i o u r (Gunawardena et al 2020), intelligent energy meter reading for smart energy (Silva et al 2011) and digital health (Carey et al 2019) in smart city environments. In addition, the proposed self-building AI framework can even be extend to develop resource-efficient computing infrastructure to support effective implementation of smart cities (Jayaratne et al 2019;Kleyko et al 2019).…”
Section: Practical Implicationsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In addition, the mean-field approximation mechanism was applied to the proposed decision method, and it was proved that the proposed method has good scalability as compared to data selection. Bandaragoda et al [13] conceptualized, designed, and developed an AI-based commuter behavior profiling framework to predict different commuter behavioral profiles and fluctuating and routine patterns among commuters using traffic flow profiling and travel trajectory analysis.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%