A subset T ⊆ V is a detourmonophonic set of G if each node (vertex) x in G contained in an p-q detourmonophonic path where p, q ∈ T.. The number of points in a minimum detourmonophonic set of G is called as the detourmonophonic number of G, dm(G). A subset T ⊆ V of a connected graph G is said to be a split detourmonophonic set of G if the set T of vertices is either T = V or T is detoumonophonic set and V – T induces a subgraph in which is disconnected. The minimum split detourmonophonic set is split detourmonophonic set with minimum cardinality and it is called a split detourmonophonic number, denoted by dms(G). For certain standard graphs, defined new parameter was identified. Some of the realization results on defined new parameters were established.