Artificial intelligence (AI) is participating more and more in the lives of the world's humanity day by day. Artificial intelligence, which first appeared as simple apparatuses and their behaviors, has begun to enter our lives more effectively over time. Artificial intelligence emerged based on three basic facts. First of all, behind artificial intelligence are electronic developments. Secondly factor is development of information-processing technology at the support of electronics. The third developer element of AI is humanity's move to the information society and the archiving and digitization of information as a result of transformation into an information society. At today's level of development of artificial intelligence, concerns that unemployment may increase in societies due to the participation of artificial intelligence in economic life seem to have increased. In this context, in this article, firstly, the elements that constitute and reveal artificial intelligence are revealed. Then, possible relation between AI and employment were researched. According to the research, it has been seen that artificial intelligence studies will increase and develop over time, and with this development, artificial intelligence will cause machines to replace people in jobs that involve routine and automated labor force. However, it is also possible that new job areas will arise and production increases will occur in the process. In this case, it should be expected that in the future, on an economic level, the need to improve the qualifications of the workforce in line with changing job conditions will be more prominent than the unemployment of the workforce.