Aim/purpose – Despite the widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI) in fields as
diverse as finance, healthcare, and education, little is known about the factors motivating
its financing. This study investigates the drivers influencing corporate investment in AI
using global data from 2013 to 2022, focusing on the relationship between GDP growth,
ICT goods exports, AI patent applications (AIPA), and regulatory quality with corporate
AI investments.
Design/methodology/approach – Descriptive statistics and the ordinary least squares
method were employed to analyze aggregated global data, identifying patterns and rela-
tionships among the factors influencing corporate AI investment.
Findings – The findings reveal a significant positive relationship between GDP growth,
ICT goods exports, AIPA, and corporate AI investments. Conversely, the relationship
between corporate AI investment and regulatory quality was negative but not statistically
significant. Thus, the key findings of our study suggest that economic growth, AI pa-
tents, and technological advancements are key drivers of corporate AI investment.
Research implications – The study suggests policymakers should prioritize national
economic growth, enhance the IT ecosystem by promoting ICT goods exports, and en-
courage innovation through AI patents. Collaboration with legislators is essential to
develop balanced AI regulations that minimize negative impacts on corporate AI financ-
ing. By strategically aligning AI investments with favorable economic conditions, busi-
nesses can drive sustainable growth, respond to evolving market demands effectively,
and secure long-term financial stability.
Originality/value/contribution – The existing literature contains information about the
current state and the potential of corporate AI investment for the economic development
of the world and a specific nation. This study tries to explore the key determinants influ-
encing corporate AI investment to obtain a comprehensive understanding of this industry
for economic growth.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, AI, corporate AI investment, GDP, ICT, regulatory
JEL Classification: F30, F62, F63, F65.