Maize drying is an important process, especially for storage and conservation. For this study, the experimental stage was carried out using a forced convection dryer with air heated at different temperature conditions (306.05–441.85 K) and flow (0.13–0.256 m3/hr), totalizing 15 drying curves. Then the performances of the classic drying kinetics methodology and the approach proposed in this paper, in which the increase in moisture content of the product with time was represented combining exponential models and neural networks based on wavelets, were compared. Good performance was obtained in predictions using the proposed approach. One of the main differentials of the methodology adopted was the obtainment of a model that has a global predictive capacity, within the range of tested operating conditions, which can be used in predicting drying curves for different operating conditions.
Practical applications
The drying process is also one of the most widely used methods for preserving food, and has the advantage of reducing the costs of storage and transport because of the low volume and weight of the end product. During the last years, this topic has attracted a broad industrial interest, resulting in many research studies investigating the drying process. Usually, with regard to the classic approach for modeling of the drying process, the kinetics of drying curves obtained in different operating conditions is affected separately, that is, the parameters are estimated independently, resulting in different regression problems. With the classical approach, in general, it is not possible to obtain a comprehensive prediction model with regards to operating conditions. We have proposed an alternative modeling method. Aiming to obtain a modeling tool with an overall predictive ability, an approach for drying kinetics prediction that combines exponential models and neural networks was proposed. The proposed modeling method was able to predict drying curves for different operating conditions.