As eries of covalent ferrocene-BODIPY-fullerene triads with the ferrocene groups conjugated to the BODIPY p-systema nd the fullerene acceptorl inked at the boron hub by ac ommon catecholpyrrolidine bridge were prepared and characterizedb y1 Da nd 2D NMR, UV/Vis, steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy, high-resolution mass spectrometry, and, for one of the derivatives, X-ray crystallography.R edox processes of the new compounds were investigated by electrochemical (CV and DPV) methods and spectroelectrochemistry.D FT calculations indicate that the HOMOin all triads was delocalized between ferrocene and BODIPY p-system, the LUMO was always fullerene-centered, and the catecholcentered occupied orbitalw as close in energy to the HOMO. TDDFT calculations were indicative of the low-energy,l ow-in-tensity charge-transfer bands originated from the ferrocene-BODIPY core to fullerene excitation, which explainedt he similarity of the UV/Vis spectra of the ferrocene-BODIPY dyadsa nd ferrocene-BODIPY-fullerene triads. Photophysical properties of the new triadsa sw ell as reference BODIPYfullerenea nd ferrocene-BODIPY dyads were investigated by pump-probe spectroscopy in the UV/Vis and NIR spectralr egions following selective excitation of the BODIPY-based antenna.I nitial charget ransfer from the ferrocenet ot he BODIPY core was shown to outcompetes ub-100 fs deactivation of the excited state mediated by the catecholb ridge. However, no subsequente lectron transfer to the fullerene acceptorw as observed. The initial charge separated state relaxes by recombination with at ime constanto f1 50-380 ps.[a] Dr.We attempted to obtain single crystals of triads 3a-d.I nt he majority of cases, crystals were too small for X-ray crystallographic measurements, with typical reflection datal imited to Scheme1.Synthetic pathway for preparation of the ferrocene-BODIPY-fullerene triads 3a-d.