Abstract. The paper presents a general overview of sport and floor lining products, such as artificial grass, which are used in residential premises and public utility buildings, as well as the hazards which ensue from the use of synthetic grass [1]. An outline was made of the requirements for the fire safety of civil engineering structures arising from their designation and usage type. The results were presented from studies conducted on four samples of synthetic grass with the main ingredients being polyethylene and polypropylene. An appraisal method was determined for flammable properties and flame spread on a horizontal sample subjected to a heat radiation flux gradient in a research chamber pursuant to PN EN ISO 9239-1 [25] applicable for all types of floors. Based on the estimated value of critical heat radiation flux (KSP) below 3 kW/m 2 and in addition to the flammability of products directly subjected to a flame according to PN EN ISO 11925-2 [27], a study was made of the suitability of selected samples of artificial grass by their categorisation to class Efl -i.e. easily flammable products. The classification of artificial grass selected for the needs of the studies, which has been verified in practice, and designated for use as decoration for gazebos, balconies, terraces and public utility facilities is only admissible in residential premises of type ZL IV.