In this paper, we present a novel approach to task planning based on an intelligent expert system that makes it possible to obtain a conclusion based on linguistically characterized knowledge. The main goal of the proposed task planning system is to arrange and display tasks for the solver in an effective way. Therefore, the system shows the most important tasks first and then the less important ones (in a determined ordering). The solver has a list of tasks arranged according to their importance at each time the task list is displayed. Another goal of the system is to show the effectiveness of all subordinate workers (solvers) for the manager. The expert knowledge contained in the system is characterized by three linguistic descriptions: determination of the task importance, determination of the final task importance, and determination of the efficiency of the task solvers. The system shows the ordered task list in real time. Evaluation of the relative and final importance of the tasks is performed periodically. The system has been implemented as a WEB application and verified on real data set. We also present experimental results of our system.