Cetoniidae (Coleoptera), known as flower and fruit beetles, form a diverse group, feed on nectar, pollen, plant exudates, and are highly attracted to fermented fruits. To evaluate their diversity in natural and agricultural areas, traps baited with fermented fruits are used. The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of various types of fruit used as bait, with or without the addition of sugarcane juice to accelerate fruit fermentation, on the assessment of Cetoniidae diversity in the Brazilian Cerrado. The study was conducted in two conservation units in Brasília (DF, Brazil). Two experiments were conducted, the first aiming to select the most attractive fruits (banana, pineapple, mango, grape, or cagaita), and the second to verify whether there is interference of sugarcane juice in the fruit fermentation process and, consequently, in the attractiveness to Cetoniidae. The chemical profiles of the types of bait were evaluated by identifying and quantifying the main volatile organic compounds released by the fruit traps. Insect collections were conducted weekly using fruit‐baited traps for 1 month, without interruption. We found that the diversity estimate of Cetoniidae was higher for banana‐based baits relative to grape and cagaita fruit, but not relative to pineapple, mango, and sugarcane juice. Additionally, no increase in attractiveness was observed with the addition of sugarcane juice to banana, pineapple, and mango bait. Most compounds in the fruit extracts belong to alcohol, ester, and terpene functional groups. Our results suggest that banana, pineapple, mango, and sugarcane juice, used alone, may be used for Cetoniidae diversity studies, and that banana bait seems to be the most suitable for Cetoniidae collection in the Cerrado, because it enables the collection of a high diversity of species and also of species considered rare.