IN a previous communication1 describing results in which specially purified ascaridole2 was used, it was pointed out that the factor used in the B.P. 1953 for the conversion of volume of titrant into a weight of ascaridole was incorrect, e.g., a sample of Oil of Chenopodium containing 54 per cent. wjw of ascaridole gave a result of 65 per cent. w/w by the B.P. method. Furthermore, because the amount of iodine liberated is not directly proportional to the weight of ascaridole, analysis of samples of low grade oils gave proportionately higher errors in the results than those obtained for high grade oils; an invariant factor is therefore inadequate.A quadratic expression was proposed, which, when applied to the observed measurements using the B.P. procedure, gave correct figures for the ascaridole content of the oils provided that the volumes of titrant were within a specified range. Unfortunately, the use of the expression is time-consuming. TABLE I