Marine biogenic cycles play a key role in controlling atmospheric CO 2 concentrations. To predict future atmospheric CO2 levels and to interpret past changes that may have been associated with global climatic events, it is necessary to determine on a global scale the rates at which carbon is cycled through the ocean and the factors that may alter the rates of transfer. Because of uncertainties and limitations in existing measurement techniques and the extreme spatial and temporal variability of ocean properties and processes, studies have not yet produced an accurate, comprehensive description of the marine carbon cycle. While some advances in the measurement of specific components of the carbon cycle have been made, the fundamental problem of undersampling an extremely heterogeneous ocean has remained. Recently, satellitedeployed sensors have provided large-scale, nearly synoptic images of ocean surface water properties, such as temperature and color, which have revealed mesoscale features not observed previously. In addition, moored and free-drifting observation systems are being developed to determine directly the temporal variability of surface and subsurface water characteristics. With these remotely sensed properties to provide the space and time framework by which individual measurements of ocean processes and material fluxes can be extrapolated throughout ocean basins and over decadal time scales, we are poised to make a fundamental improvement in our understanding of ocean elemental cycles. fraction of the biogenic material sinks or is actively transported out of the surface waters into deeper water masses where it is decomposed and oxidized back to CO•. This combination of processes, referred to as the "biological pump" [Longhurst and Harrison, 1989], tends to continually strip CO• from the surface ocean that is in contact with the atmosphere and sequester it in the deeper water masses where it cannot directly exchange with the atmosphere. Except for short-term perturbations such as that caused by anthropogenic CO2 release, gas exchange with the surface ocean controls atmospheric levels of CO•. Thus the biological pump maintains atmospheric CO• at a lower level than if the ocean were abiotic. Changes in the biological pump have been suggested as the cause of the increase in atmospheric CO• at the end of the last glacial period [Broecker, 1982; McElroy, 1983; Martin and Gordon, 1988]. The biological pump may also influence how the ocean responds to and takes up anthropogenic CO• released to the atmosphere. However, it is important to recognize that ocean productivity is limited by a variety of factors such as the availability of nutrients and/or light and not by the availability of CO2. Thus increased atmospheric levels of CO• may have little effect on ocean productivity. Under steady state conditions the biological pump may have a negligible influence on the ocean's response to anthropogenic CO• [Peng and Broecker, 1984; Wagener and Rebello, 1987]. However, rapid changes in the biological pump could hav...