The present study investigated the effects of antioxidants Vitamin E (VE) and C (ascorbic acid, AA) on erythrocytes osmotic fragility (EOF), haemoglobin index (HI), colonic temperature (CT) and recovery times of transported Japanese quails during the hot-dry conditions. Two hundred male Japanese quails were used. The birds were randomly and equally divided into four groups: VE and AA groups, administered with 0.5 mg/kg and 200 mg/ kg body weight of VE and AA, respectively, control transported group (control group), administered with 0.5 ml of sterile water, and sedentary non-transported group (S). One hour after the administration of the antioxidants, the birds were transported by road for 2 h. The EOF, HI and CT were recorded before transportation, immediately after transportation (0) and on 3 rd and 7 th day of post-transportation period. The results showed that transportation induced hyperthermia, increased EOF and hypochromic erythrocytes in the quails, the effects of which were mitigated by antioxidants VE and AA. Base-line values for EOF were returned to normal in the control, AA and VE quails on days 7, 3 and 0, respectively post-transportation. The findings showed that recovery time after transportation in quails should be 7 days; but the duration may be reduced to 3 days if treated with AA or eliminated completely if the quails are treated with VE before transportation. The ameliorating effect was more pronounced in quails administered with antioxidant VE. The EOF may be employed as a biomarker and additional diagnostic tool for the assessment of transport-induce oxidative stress in quails. [7,10].The use of EOF as a biomarker of road transport-induced stress in livestock is a new field of study that may add to the arsenals of tests, currently used in the diagnosis of stress due to road transportation [11][12][13]. Body temperature measurement is an important method of evaluation of physiological status. It is also an ideal indicator for the assessment of stress and adaptability of livestock, including poultry, to various environmental stress factors [14][15][16].
Effects of Antioxidants Vitamin E and C on ErythrocyteFragilitySeveral stress factors have been reported to decrease the level of body antioxidants, vitamin E (VE) and vitamin C, otherwise known as ascorbic acid (AA); resulting in increases in the body requirements in these vitamins [14,[17][18][19]. The administration of the vitamins exerts ameliorating effects which are well manifested; when the body AA and VE are either overwhelmed or exhausted as a result of increased ROS generation by stress factors that overtax the animal control systems [18,20]. Therefore, a decrease in the concentration of antioxidant vitamins causes an increase in lipid peroxidation in the plasma and tissues, leading to damage of cell membranes [21,22]. Previous reports have revealed the beneficial effects of supplementation of VE and AA on birds and animals, subjected to various oxidative stress factors [12,16,18,22].Several studies have evaluated the respon...