Drainless thoracoscopic surgery, defined by omitting chest drain after surgery, has been demonstrated to be feasible in selected patients for pulmonary resection. However, drainless procedure for the treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax has raised concerns for its safety and thus has been less often reported. We aimed to share our preliminary experience regarding how to select patients with spontaneous pneumothorax for this procedure.
A retrospective study recruiting 303 consecutive patients with the diagnosis of spontaneous pneumothorax undergoing thoracoscopic surgery in our center from August 2016 to June 2020 were done. After careful selection, the chest drain was omitted in selected patients who underwent non-intubated uniportal thoracoscopic surgery. Patients’ clinical characteristics and perioperative outcomes were analyzed.
A total of 34 patients underwent drainless thoracoscopic surgery for the treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax. Pleural adhesion was noted in 9 patients during surgery, and all of them (100%) developed residual pneumothorax, among which intercostal drainage was required in 2 (22.2%) patients, and ipsilateral pneumothorax recurred 3 years after surgery in 1 (11.1%) patient. Among the remaining 25 without pleural adhesion, 17 (68.0%) developed minor residual pneumothorax (p = 0.006), which all resolved spontaneously within 1 to 2 weeks, with no complications or recurrence during postoperative follow-up for at least 2 years.
Drainless thoracoscopic surgery for the treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax is feasible but can be risky without careful patient selection. In our experience, the drainless procedure should be avoided in patients with identifiable pleural adhesion noted during surgery.