Leaf Area Index (LAI) is one of the most important biophysical parameters of vegetation, and its dynamic changes can be used as a reflective indicator and differentiation basis of vegetation function. In this study, a VCA–MLC (Vertex Component Analysis–Maximum Likelihood Classification) algorithm is proposed from the perspective of multi-temporal satellite LAI image classification to monitor and quantify the spatial and temporal variability of vegetation dynamics in China since 2000. The algorithm extracts the vegetation endmembers from 46 multi-temporal images of MODIS LAI in 2011 without the aid of other a priori knowledge and uses the maximum likelihood classification method to select the categories that satisfy the requirements of the number of missing periods, absolute distance, and relative distance for the rest pixels to be classified, ultimately dividing the vegetation area of China into 10 vegetation zones called China Vegetation Functional Zones (CVFZ). CVFZ outperforms MCD12Q1 and CLCD land cover datasets in the overall differentiation of vegetation functions and can be used synergistically with other land cover datasets. In this study, CVFZ is used to cut the constant vegetation-type pixels of MCD12Q1 during 2001–2022. The results of the LAI mean time series decomposition of each subregion using the STL (Seasonal-Trend Decomposition based on Loess) method show that the rate of vegetation greening ranges from 9.02 × 10−4 m2m−2yr−1 in shrubland subregions to 2.34 × 10−2 m2m−2yr−1 in savanna subregions. In relative terms, the average greening speed of forests is moderate, and savannas tend to have the fastest average greening speed. The greening speed of grasslands and croplands in different zones varies widely. In contrast, the average greening speed of shrublands is the slowest. In addition, CVFZ detected grasslands with one or two phenological cycles, broadleaf croplands with one or two phenological cycles, and shrublands with no apparent or one phenological cycle.