Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis techniques have been applied in several application domains. From the last two decades, these techniques have been developed mostly for product and service application domains. However, very few aspect-based sentiment techniques have been proposed for the movie application domain. Moreover, these techniques only mine specific aspects (Script, Director, and Actor) of a movie application domain, nevertheless, the movie application domain is more complex than the product and service application domain. Since, it contains NER (Named Entity Recognition) problem and it cannot be ignored, since there is an opinion often associated with it. Consequently, in this paper MAIM (Movie Aspect Identification Model) is proposed that can extract not only movie specific aspects, also identifies NEs (Named Entities) such as Person Name and Movie Title. The three main contributions are 1) the identification of infrequent aspects, 2) the identification of NE (named entity) in movie application domain, 3) identifying N-gram opinion words as an entity. MAIM incorporates the BiLSTM-CRF hybrid technique and is implemented on the movie application domain having precision 89.9%, recall 88.9% and f1-measure 89.4%. The experimental results show that MAIM performs better than baseline models CRF and LSTM-CRF.