Tris(trimethylsily1)-2,2,2-trifluoroethoxysilane 6, tris(trimethylsily1)-2-fluoroethoxysilane 7, and tris(trimethylsily1)-2-chloroethoxysilane 8 were synthesized and characterized by 'H, "C and '9Si NMR, IR spectroscopy, and EI and CI mass spectrometry. Thermodynamic considerations would suggest that, as a result of the driving force provided by the formation of a Si-F or Si-Cl bond, the thermolyses of these compounds would lead to the formation of bis(trimethylsily1)silanone 4. To examine this question, gas chromatography -mass spectrometry was as used a detection technique for products resulting from the high-pressure thermolyses of 6-8. The elimination of (Me,Si),SiCl appears to be the major thermolytic pathway of decomposition for 8 at ambient or higher pressures, although it is accompanied by the formation of other products, some of which could have arisen from the addition of various halosilanes to a silanone. Neither 6 nor 7 thermolyzed cleanly; the former compound was essentially unreactive under the thermolysis temperatures used (850°C). Of the products produced in the thermolysis of 7, no evidence for the formation of the silanone was obtained. Independently, mass spectrometry was used to study unimolecular reactions of molecular ions derived from 6-8. The major route to solitary ions appears to involve a 1,2-trimethylsilyl migration from Si to 0 (9+10) prior to decomposition, for example, of the mlz 346 parent ion in the decomposition of 6. The preparation of the ionized silanone may be a minor pathway. Some of the other fragmentation pathways for 6-8 are discussed. Key words: gas phase thermolysis, ion rearrangements, silyl group migration, silanone, halosilane.RCsume : On a synthCtisC le tris(trimtthylsily1)-2,2,2-trifluorosilane 6, le tris(trimCthylsily1)-2-fluoroCthoxysilane 7, et les tris(trimCthylsily1)-2-chloroCthoxysilane, 8, et on les a caractCrists par la RMN du 'H, du ',c et du 2 9~i , par la spectoscopie IR et par spectromCtrie de masse sous IC et IE. Les considtrations thermodynamiques portent h penser que la thermolyse de ces composCs pourrait conduire i la formation de bis(trimCthylsilyl)silanone, 4, en raison de la force directrice crCC par la formation des liaisons Si-F ou Si-Cl. Pour vCrifier cette hypothese, on a utilisC comme technique de dktection, la spectromCtrie de masse couplCe h la chromatographie en phase gazeuse, pour les produits rksultant des thermolyses h haute pression des composCs 6 8 . L'Climination du (Me3Si),SiC1 semble &tre le processus thermolytique principal de dCcomposition du composC 8 h tempkrature ambiante ou h de plus hautes pressions, bien qu'il se forme d'autres produits dont quelques uns proviennent de l'addition de divers halosilanes sur la silanone. Ni le composC 6 ni le composC 7 ne subissent nettement la thermolyse; le premier composC ne rCagit pas du tout aux tempkratures de thermolyse utilisCes (850°C). On n'a pas pu mettre en Cvidence la prisence de silanone parmi les produits rCsultants de la thermolyse du composC 7. D'une f a~o n indepe...