A new non particulate buffering solution of sodium citrate and citric acid was tested for its in vitro acid buffering abilities and its potential for producing a chemical pneumonitis when instilled down the endotracheal tube of anaesthetised beagle dogs. 25ml of the agent buffered l65ml of O.IN hydrochloric acid pH 1.4 to a pH of 3.05. Ten beagle dogs were anaesthetised and had 0.4 ml/kg of the buffering agent instilled down the endotracheal tubes. Thereafter the dogs recovered and two were sacrificed every 24 hours. Arterial blood samples were taken regularly for blood gas analysis. Moderate transient arterial blood gas changes were observed in the first 6 to 12 hours. Pulmonary macroscopic and microscopic examination demonstrated no signs of a chemical pneumonitis.We conclude that this agent is effective in raising the pH of hydrochloric acid and that it lacks the potential for canine pulmonary toxicity.