1117cover these points at the induction of new house officers. In addition, the notes on pre-operative assessment and preparation which arecurrently issued to staff on induction will be amplified to cover common complications. As it may be unreasonable to expect staff to be completely conversant with all anaesthetic drugs, this problem will be obviated by re-designing the anaesthetic record form to categorise the drugs used. Finally, one cannot overemphasise the role of the anaesthetist in continuing the education of the junior staff with whom he comes into contact.
Key words
Anaestherics, iniravenous: propofolComplicar ions; pain .The intravenous anaesthetic 2, 6 di-isopropylphenol was originally formulated in Cremophor EL. Initial clinical experience established its efficacy,' -3 but concern arose over the disturbingly high incidence of pain on injection and possible anaphylactoid res p o n s e~.~-' For these reasons. a new emulsified formulation, propofol. has been developed: The aims of this study were to determine the incidence of pain at injection site using the new formulation. and to assess the effect of pretreatment with intravenous lignocaine.
MethodThe study was approved by the Hospital Ethical Committee, and written, informed consent was obtained from each patient. One hundred and sixty patients aged between 16 and 65 years, of ASA grade I o r 2 and undergoing minor, elective surgery were studied. Those with a history of adverse reactions to anaesthesia were excluded, a s were pregnant patients unless termination of pregnancy was the planned procedure. and those who were more than 10% above expected body weight.Premedication was either omitted or consisted of atropine 0.6 mg given intramuscularly, approximately one hour before induction. Upon arrival in the anaesthetic room, patients were randomly allocated to one of four groups. All injections were made over 20 seconds, via a 21-gauge needle as follows: Group A, dorsum of 1118 Forum hand, propofol 2.5 mg/kg: Group B, forearm/antecubital fossa, propofo12.5 mg/kg; Group C. dorsum of hand, lignocaine 10 mg followed by propofo12.5 mg/kg; Group D, dorsum of hand, thiopentone 4.5 mg/kg. For 2 minutes after induction, oxygen 3 litresiminute and nitrous oxide 6 litreslminute were administered via a Magill system. Thereafter. additional agents were used as required.Several observations were made. Any spontaneous comments about feelings at the site of injection and responses to the question 'Is that comfortable? were noted. The inducrion rime was measured in seconds, from beginning of injection to loss of verbal contact and eyelash reflex. Arterial blood pressure and heart rate were measured noninvasively at 0, I, 2 and 5 minutes postinduction. The incidence and duration of apnoea were recorded and ventilation was assisted if apnoea exceeded 2 minutes. Note was taken of any excitatory effects and evidence of anaphylactoid reactions. The injection site was inspected immediately postoperatively and at 24 and 48 hours, when possible, for eviden...