The study of interactions between particles organized in a linear configuration is interesting from a quantum mechanical perspective, and the anisotropic properties of linear assemblies is of potential interest for the development of solid-state devices. [1][2][3] This anisotropy may be manifested as a difference in the magnetization and coercivity obtained in a magneticnanoparticle array when a field is applied along the chain or orthogonal to it. [4,5 ] Nonlinear electrical characteristics [3] or dichroism in the optical spectra with longitudinal and transverse polarizations of light [6,7 ] in metal nanoparticle arrays are other examples of such anisotropy, and the construction of such arrays would offer opportunities in multiple applications. Engineering matter at submicron length scales has been an area largely dominated by top-down methodologies. Control of interparticle spacing in metal-nanoparticle arrays by using techniques such as electron beam lithography has been found to have a dramatic impact on the optical response of the nanoparticle assembly, [8][9][10] ] and has implications in fields such as plasmonics [11] and energy transport. [12,13 ] The use of templates such as carbon nanotubes [14] and linear pores[15] to construct one-dimensional nanostructures has been demonstrated previously. In addition, polymers have recently begun to play an increasingly active role as elements that can reproducibly direct the arrangement of nanoparticles into functional geometries. [16,17 ] Self assembling systems offer convenient yet powerful bottom-up strategies for the creation of nanostructures that can be deployed in the realization of functional nanoscale devices. [18,19 ] The utilization of biomolecules such as DNA, [3, 20 -24 ] and protein-based materials [25][26][27] or viruses [28,29 ] to dictate the organization of nanoparticles has been shown to be an effective and robust paradigm. The use of peptide-based structures [30,31 ] in nanotechnology confers numerous advantages such as the specification of assembled nanostructure by changes in the primary sequence of the peptide, as well as the adoption of various hierarchical morphologies **