JINST 14 P10035successful, new approaches are needed to enable scaling to larger pixel counts and faster sensors, as requested for HOLMES, reducing also the cost and complexity of readout. A very novel technique that meets all of these requirements is based on superconducting microwave resonators coupled to radio-frequency Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices, in which the changes in the TES input current is tranduced to a change in phase of a microwave signal. In this work we introduce the basics of this technique, the design and development of the first two-channel read out system and its performances with the first TES detectors specifically designed for HOLMES. In the last part we explain how to extend this approach scaling to 1024 pixels.
K: Cryogenic detectors; Neutrino detectors; Superconductive detectors (bolometers, tunnel junctions etc); X-ray detectors 1The maximum supercurrent (current flowing with no voltage) that can flow through a Josephson junction.