Goal: Review articles that address different assessment tools and methods based on competences of the Resident Doctor in Family and Community Medicine. Methodology: This is an integrative review with the following research question "What are the strategies, pointed out in the literature, for a competence-based assessment of the resident physician in Family and Community Medicine?", with a search for references through the exploration of a database. Dice: Publisher Medline (PubMed) and Virtual Health Library (BVS), using the following descriptors and their combinations: "family medicine", "residency", "assessment" and 'competency". Articles published in the last 10 years, which had full text, in English and Portuguese, that related to the research topic were included. Result: From a total of 6 articles, 4 different competency-based assessment methods were extracted and analyzed: 1-Clinical Assessment Mini-Exercise (Miniex), 2-Milestones, 3-Competency-Based Achievement System (CBAS), and 4-Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs). Conslusion: Knowledge about these tools and their correct use enables an integral, complete and practical assessment of students, especially in a scenario where the need for competent assessment methods that accompany the advancement of competencybased curricula grows. These innovative assessment methods enable the Family and Community Medicine resident to actively participate in the teaching-learning process, making it evolve more consistently during the residency program.