Brought to you by | Stockholms Universitet Authenticated Download Date | 8/25/15 7:03 AM Moreover, the introduced geo-engineered systems provide interesting insights into the deep biosphere.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)In the last decade, CCS was intensively discussed as a transitional step to reduce carbon dioxide emission from coal-fired power plants or industrial plants. Currently 33 CCS facilities are in operation worldwide (21 of which are pilot plants) and another 52 facilities are already planned [28]. The concept of CCS is injecting large amounts of CO 2 for long-term storage in suitable geological formations [1,29,30]. Large volumes of CO 2 can be sequestered in coal beds as well as sedimentary basins, which have a tremendous pore volume, connectivity and appropriate cap rock structures [29][30][31][32]. CO 2 has already been injected into geological formations for several decades for various purposes, including enhanced oil and gas recovery (EOR/EGR). The first commercial example of enhanced oil recovery was Weyburn-Midale (U.S.A./Canada) where between the years 2000 and 2011 nearly 25 million tons of CO 2 were injected [33]. The longest-running CCS-EGR operation in Europe is the Sleipner Gas field off Norway.The worldwide storage potential is dominated by deep saline aquifers, which are porous formations saturated with saline water, thus having no economic or technical use. Another uprising idea is the sequestration of CO 2 in basalts (e.g. CarbFix project in Iceland and the Kevin Dome Large Scale Storage Project in U.S.A.) [34,35]. In particular deep-sea basalts, characterized by seawater-filled pore space and Mg-Ca silicate rocks are adequate [36,37]. In these reservoirs, CO 2 can be fixed by geochemical trapping as stable carbonates. Various reservoir capacities were identified along the eastern ridge flank of the Juan de Fuca plate [38] and other oceanic ridge-flanks [37].In the first step of the CCS chain, the industrially produced carbon dioxide has to be separated from other effluent gases. The type of technology used for the separation determines the degree of purity of the obtained CO 2 and the nature of impurities. Remaining traces of SO 2 and/or NO 2 , for example, which typically derive from oxyfuel combustion plants, can form H 2 SO 4 and HNO 3 upon contact with water, thus possibly accelerating the alteration and corrosion processes in the reservoir and in the injection facilities (pumps, tubings, borehole cements) [39,40].By trapping CO 2 in underground formations, its climate-relevant role as a greenhouse gas can be significantly reduced [31]. Four different mechanisms contribute to the immobilization of CO 2 in the deep underground: structural trapping, residual trapping, solubility trapping, and mineral trapping [1,41], each with a characteristic and site-specific relative importance and time scale. In the short-term, structural and residual trapping generally dominate, whereas solubility and mineral trapping might be only of minor significance due to the slowness of diffusion -th...