Successful adjustment of student-athletes to their school is an internationally relevant issue. In Korea, school-athletes abandon their athletic activity at a rate of over 40%, suggesting an urgent need to develop measures that allow them to balance sports and academic life. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of physical self-concept on school adaptation among student-athletes. We analyzed data from 589 student-athletes, including sex and award-winning career as covariates. Then, reliability and validity of scales were obtained. The results showed that student-athletes with higher physical self-concept are more likely to be successful in school adjustment. The effects of physical self-concept on school adjustment were proven to be mediated by sex and award-winning career of student-athletes. This result provides the basis for the importance of recognizing the concept of physical self as a way for student athletes to adapt well to school life. As differences depending on gender and award experience exist, they should be taken into account when teaching student athletes.