This file was dowloaded from the institutional repository Brage NIH Fasting, K., Chroni, S., Hervik, S. E., Knorre, N. (2011) [1994][1995][1996][1997][1998][1999][2000][2001][2002][2003] 2003). In spite of the fact that research on sexual harassment has taken place since the 1970's, it is still in many European countries an under-researched area, which is also the case for research on sexual harassment in the sport domain.This article presents some data from a larger cross-cultural research project that took place in three European countries which differed in relation to the gender order, gender equality laws, educational system, way sport is organized and managed, as well as in relation to antisexual harassment laws that are in effect. greater labor force participation and income parity than American women. One would therefore expect differences in the prevalence of sexual harassment among sporting women in various countries due to differences in the gender order and equal rights legislations, as well as in relation to whether sexual harassment is prohibited by law either in society at large or by sport specific laws.