507ReseaRch C otton cultivars are well known to differ in how strongly fibers are attached to the seed (Fransen et al., 1984;Verschraege and Kiekens, 1987;and Porter and Wahba, 1999). Also gin-stand energy consumption has been shown to differ among cultivars (Anthony et al., 1982;Boykin, 2007;Bechere et al., 2011). Cultivars with reduced fiber-seed attachment force have the potential to be ginned faster with less energy and less fiber damage. Ginning efficiency, as defined in this study, includes both reduced net gin-stand energy usage (that above idling) and increased ginning rate. The best ginning efficient lines will have sustainably lower ginning energy requirements and higher ginning rates.Information regarding ginning efficiency of genotypes and correlations of these traits with other agronomic and quality traits is essential if breeders want to incorporate it in their breeding programs. However, the number of studies on ginning rate and ginning energy requirements is very limited. As indicated by May and Green (1994), knowledge of the type of genetic variation involved in the expression of fiber traits will facilitate further improvement of cotton fiber properties.ABSTRACT Information regarding genetic variability and correlations of desirable traits provide a reliable basis for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) improvement. The objective of this research was to study the genetics of ginning efficiency and estimate genotypic correlations of ginning energy requirements and ginning rate with some agronomic and quality traits in two upland cotton crosses. F 2 plants from two segregating families were used to produce F 3 plants, from which 62 individual plants from each of the two populations were randomly harvested in 2009 to produce progeny rows which were planted in two replications at two environments at Stoneville, MS during 2010 and 2012. The highest broadsense heritability was observed for fuzz percentage followed by net ginning energy, gross ginning energy, and ginning rate. Significant positive genotypic correlations were observed between fuzz percentage, net ginning energy, and gross ginning energy. Fuzz percentage, however, had a significant negative genotypic correlation with ginning rate. Ginning rate was negatively and significantly correlated with net ginning energy and gross ginning energy. Net ginning energy had a significant positive genotypic relationship with gross ginning energy. These results hold true for both populations. results also indicated a high genetic advance from selection for fuzz percentage. These results, coupled with the fact that fuzz percentage is easier, faster, and much less expensive to measure, make it a good candidate for selecting for ginning efficiency.