As rainfall, snowmelt, and irrigation run over the land or through the ground, pick up pollutants, and carry them into rivers, lakes, and coastal waters or introduce them into ground water, nonpoint sources (NPS) pollution occurs. The most significant NPS pollutants are nutrients (particularly nitrogen and phosphorus) and sediments. The primary agricultural sources of nutrients which can contribute to NPS pollution are animal manure and fertilizer. This article reviews 2004 literature on several aspects of NPS pollution, including general policy, economics, attitudes and general; NPS characterization; best management practices (BMPs) for NPS control; modeling and monitoring; and NPS control and management.
POLICY, ECONOMICS, ATTITUDES, AND GENERALThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and State water quality agencies are placing increasing emphasis on addressing the problems caused by NPS pollution, which is now the leading cause of water pollution in the United States (Davenport, 2004). EPA has implemented several programs under the Clean Water Act that attempt to address this issue, including the development of water quality standards for nutrients, implementation of State nonpoint source programs, and point source regulations for animal feeding operations. Frisvold (2004) examined the effects of U. S.
2528federal farm programs on agricultural water use and water quality. Agriculture has been identified as the largest contributor to NPS water pollution. Nonpoint pollution from agriculture is also an important environmental policy issue in Spain and the European Union (Martinez and Albiac, 2004). The ongoing policy decision process analyzing results indicated that abatement measures based on input taxes and standards on nitrogen appeared to be more suitable than the National Irrigation Plan.A statewide assessment of the impacts of phosphorus-index implementation in Pennsylvania has been done by Kogelmann et al. (2004). Results showed that various regions of Pennsylvania would be affected by the P-index restrictions for different reasons. Soil P was found to increase with increasing animal density and the highest animal density areas had a large number of nutrient impaired streams. Gergel et al.(2004) tested the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) in Dane County, Wisconsin, using NPS pollution time series data for Lake Mendota throughout the 20th century. The EKC did not describe the relationship between all ecological and economic indicators tested. The results showed that the increasing pollution with increasing wealth and economic prosperity could not be expected to improve all aspects of the environment.During the last three decades, coastal zones around the globe have shown increasing evidence of degradation, primarily due to human activities. Eutrophication resulting from increased nutrient input and chemical pollution from point and nonpoint sources were among the most serious threats to the health of coastal marine communities (Marcus, 2004). The coastal areas of the Southern Baltic Sea were highly ...