Metazoan disease control may require an understanding and inclusion of microbial ecology.We evaluated the ability of micrograzers (primarily protozoa) to control chytridiomycosis, a disease caused by the chytrid Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, a devastating panzootic pathogen of amphibians. Although micrograzers consumed zoospores (~3 µm), the dispersal stage of chytrids, not all species grew monoxenically on zoospores; but the ubiquitous ciliate Tetrahymena pyrifomis, exhibited a growth rate of 1.7 d -1 and approached its maximum rate of growth. A functional response (ingestion vs. prey abundance) of T. pyrifomis measured on spore-surrogates (microspheres) revealed maximum ingestion (Imax) of 1.63 x 10 3 spores d -1 , with a half saturation constant (k) of 5.75 x 10 3 spores ml -1 . We then developed and assessed a population model that incorporated chytrid-host and micrograzer dynamics over 100 days.Simulations using T. pyrifomis data and realistic parameters obtained from the literature, suggested that micrograzers can control B. dendrobatidis and prevent chytridiomycosis (defined as 10 4 sporangia per host). However, inferior micrograzers (0.7 x Imax and 1.5 x k) were unable to prevent chytridiomycosis, although they did reduce pathogen abundance to negligible levels. These findings strongly argue that micrograzers should be considered when evaluating disease dynamics for B. dendrobatidis and other zoosporic fungi.