Coupling between the magnetosphere and the high latitude ionosphere through energetic particles and electromagnetic fields results in the production of Hall currents that drive Farley-Buneman instabilities (Farley, 1963) which generate a spectrum of field-aligned plasma density irregularities (Rojas et al., 2016). Numerous studies have shown that these irregularities can modify the mean state of the ionosphere through wave heating (Bahcivan, 2007; St.Maurice, 1990). Furthermore, by affecting the local temperature, several other parameters can also be modified: plasma density, composition, conductivity, and transport. Consequently, neutral wind surges, gravity waves, and traveling atmospheric and ionospheric disturbances can be produced which can ultimately affect ionospheric stability at lower latitudes (Fuller-Rowell et al., 1994). Recently, studies have suggested that these instabilities can change the evolution of magnetospheric dynamics by changing the conductivity of the ionosphere (Wiltberger et al., 2017).Farley-Buneman waves belong to the family of two-stream instabilities. They develop at altitudes between 95 and 120 km in the auroral and equatorial E region and to lesser extent at midlatitudes (Sahr & Fejer, 1996). In these regions, due to their different mobilities and collision rates, magnetized Hall-drifting electrons induce polarization drifts on the unmagnetized ions. Because of their inertia, ions tend overshoot the polarization field recovery and accumulate in the crests of the local density irregularities faster than diffusion opposes them (Hysell et al., 2013). As a result, longitudinal density waves are formed. The propagation of these waves is nearly in the direction of the electron drifts, and their dominant wavelengths are in the order of few meters. In contrast to the equatorial case, in the auroral electrojet, wave heating plays an important role. Electric fields parallel and perpendicular (in lesser extent) to the background magnetic field have been shown to be important in explaining the heating observed in nature (Hysell, 2015). Moreover, these changes in temperature will influence the dynamics of the instabilities by changing some of the state parameters such as the ion-acoustic speed.Linear, local fluid theory of Farley-Buneman instabilities, although limited, has produced some important, verified predictions. For instance, it gives a reasonable estimate for the threshold electric field (E th ) required to trigger the instabilities: the electron convection driven by this threshold field has to be larger than the ion-acoustic speed to produce wave growth. Linear analysis of the full 5-moment system of equations has modified the initial estimates of E th to take into account the role of thermal instabilities, which also produce a change in the direction of the waves . Although linear fluid theory predicts incorrectly the rapid growth of very short wavelengths, linear kinetic theory shows that ion Landau damping effectively suppresses this growth (Schmidt & Gary, 1973). Using these line...