The welfare state of cattle in dairy farms in Macedonia has never been assessed previously. The objective of this study was to perform screening analysis of dairy cows welfare and to test the practical implementation of the Welfare Quality Ÿ Assessment protocol for cattle in dairy farms in Macedonia. In ten small scale and large scale tie stall farms 23 measures were recorded related to 9 welfare criteria of 4 welfare principles (WP) described in the Welfare Quality Ÿ Assessment protocol for dairy cows. The mean percentage of very lean cows was 40.5±9.1%. All assessed farms were not providing access to pasture and an outdoor loafing area. Regarding cleanliness, the presence of dirty udder, upper leg/flank and lower leg was 65.2±9.0%, 85.5±8.0% and 86.5±5.8%, respectively. The overall prevalence of lameness was 5.6±5.0%, and for mild and severe alterations it was 30.8±5.8% and 54.1±4.6%, respectively. The ocular and vulvar discharge, diarrhea, dystocia, percentage of downer cows and mortality rate exceeded the warning and alarm threshold. The avoidance -distance test classified 70.4±6.8% as animals that can be touched or approached closer than 50cm, with overall score of 42.9±3.5. This screening reveals that the most welfare concerns are found in the WP Good Feeding and Good Housing. The on-farm welfare assessment using the full protocol on a representative sample of farms in the country is highly recommended for emphasizing the key points for improving the animal welfare in Macedonian dairy farms.Key words: welfare assessment, cattle, dairy farms, animal based measures
INTRODUCTIONThe maintenance of good animal welfare is an essential part of dairy production systems. Farmer's strong commitment to animal welfare in dairy cattle and appropriate dairy herd management is driven by fulfilling the physiological and behavioral needs of the animal, compliance with the relevant international (1, 2) and national animal welfare regulations (3,4), and respecting the consumer expectations for animal welfare standards in the food industry (5).The implementation of welfare standards must be accompanied by proper assessment which
44in order to maximize benefits (7). The European Welfare QualityÂź Project was set out to develop scientifically sound tools to assess animal welfare on-farm. The acquired data provides feedback to animal unit managers about the welfare status of their animals and is translated into accessible and understandable information on the welfare status of food producing animals, including dairy cattle (8). This paper uses selected indicators for assessment of animal welfare designed by this project.Currently, a total number of 238 000 of cattle are kept in the dairy sector in Macedonia (9) out of which about 50% are milking cows with a total milk production of 350 million liters and an annual average of milk yield of 2,928 L per cow (10). The dairy farms are categorized in three categories: 1) traditional farmers with up to 3 cows; 2) family farms with 5 -20 milking...