Potassium is the keystone nutrient in eggplant cultivation, influencing not only plant health but their ability to absorb essential elements for optimal growth and fruit development. However, the exact relationship between potassium and nutrient uptake by eggplants is still unclear. Three varieties Monarch, Lydia, & Lorraine were used to study the impact of varied potassium levels on the nutrient composition of hydroponically grown eggplant inside the high-tech-greenhouse. The result showed Potassium exerted a pronounced influence on nutrient absorption and leaf composition across various eggplant cultivars. Both low and high levels of potassium resulted in poor K content in the leaves of eggplants. Meanwhile, eggplant grown at optimal levels had higher potassium content in the leaves. The P, Cl, & Na content of leaves decreased with the increase in the application of K in the nutrient medium and was significantly different. The correlation coefficient between K content in leaves was − 0.44***, 0.37***, & 0.44*** with Ca, Cl, & Na respectively. These results emphasize the importance of carefully and precisely balancing potassium fertilization due to its complex interplay of synergistic and antagonistic relationships with essential nutrients, impacting their uptake and distribution.