Exertional heat illness remains a constant threat to the athlete, military service member, and laborer. Recent increases in the number and intensity of environmental heat waves places these populations at an ever increasing risk and can be deadly if not recognized and treated rapidly. For this reason, it is extremely important for medical providers to guide athletes, service members, and laborers in the implementation of awareness, education, and measures to reduce or mitigate the risk of exertional heat illness. Within the past 2 decades, a variety of wearable technology options have become commercially available to track an estimation of core temperature, yet questions continue to emerge as to its use, effectiveness, and practicality in athletics, the military, and the workforce. There is a paucity of data on the accuracy of many of these newer devices in the setting of true heat stroke physiology, and it is important to avoid overreliance on new wearable technology. Further research and improvement of this technology are critical to identify accuracy in the diagnosis and prevention of EHI.