As the applications with big data in cloud computing environment grow, many existing systems expect to expand their service to support the dramatic increase of data, and modern software development for services computing and cloud computing software systems is no longer based on a single database but on existing multidatabases and this convergence needs new software architecture design. This paper proposes an integration approach to support hybrid database architecture, including MySQL, MongoDB, and Redis, to make it possible of allowing users to query data simultaneously from both relational SQL systems and NoSQL systems in a single SQL query. Two mechanisms are provided for constructing Redis's indexes and semantic transforming between SQL and Mon-goDB API to add the SQL feature for these NoSQL databases. With the proposed approach, hybrid database systems can be performed in a flexible manner, ie, access can be either relational database or NoSQL, depending on the size of data. The approach can effectively reduce development complexity and improve development efficiency of the software systems with multidatabases. This is the result of further research on the related topic, which fills the gap ignored by relevant scholars in this field to make a little contribution to the further development of NoSQL technology. /journal/spe 401 402 LI AND GU applications of NoSQL (not only SQL) database systems become more and more popular, it also poses a greater challenge to the development methods and technical architecture of software systems. A dramatic change, or called a revolution, is taking place in the field of database management technology as the growing of applications with big data in cloud computing environment. In June 1970, Edgar Frank Codd, a researcher of IBM company, published the famous paper, ie, A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks, in Communications of ACM, which established the theoretical model of relational database. After decades of development, the relational database management system has gradually become mature, and the SQL (structured query language) used to access the relational database system also has been developed into the standard of all relational databases. However, big data and hybrid database system are becoming popular as cloud service blooms, and NoSQL database systems, such as Redis, 9 MongoDB, 10 HBase, 11 and Neo4J, 12 also have been developed rapidly.NoSQL systems have been developed to support applications not well served by relational systems, often involving big data processing. 13 Therefore, related research works have academic significance and practical values. Typical applications of NoSQL databases involve many important areas, such as the Internet, 14 mobile computation, 15 telecommunications, 16 bioinformatics, 17 education, 18 and energy. 19 Major NoSQL databases can be classified into four categories, [20][21][22] including key-value store, column-oriented store, document-oriented store, and graph store. Representative NoSQL database products include...