with MS and Ph.D. degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2004 and 2006, respectively. After working as a Water Resources Engineer in Sacramento, California for four years, he started teaching in the Civil Engineering Department of Zirve University in Turkey. During his five-year tenure at Zirve University, he conducted several research projects funded by National Research Agencies while teaching undergraduate and graduate-level courses. Before joining King's College, Dr. Haltas held a Senior Research Fellow post at Cranfield University, England for two years. He has held the Professional Engineer License in Civil Engineering in California since 2010. His expertise and research foci are flood hazard and risk modeling, scaling in hydraulic and hydrologic processes, and agent-based modeling of complex systems. He mainly teaches courses such as Fluid Mechanics, Dynamics, Hydraulics and Hydrology, Probability and Statistics, and Water Resources Engineering.