errors. The metabolites, reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, reactive carbonyl species, lipid peroxidation products affect DNA integrity. Other than these metabolites, V(D)J recombination process mediated by RAG1/2 during lymphocyte development involves DNA double-strand breaks (DSB). DNA topoisomerase 2 also induces DSB to control DNA topologic status. Deamination induced by deaminases or depurination leads to DNA single-strand breaks (SSB). SSBs can also arise by DNA topoisomerase 1. Tens of thousands of SSBs, 10-50 DSBs per cell per day occur naturally [1][2][3].
ATM is a key regulator of DNA damage check pointOnce cells suffer DNA damage, cells try to resolve damages. The cellular response to DNA damage induces cell cycle arrest, damaged DNA repair, or apoptosis. This machinery is called DNA damage response (DDR), or DNA damage checkpoint. Numerous factors are involved in this process. The central player in DNA damage response, especially in DSB, is ATM. DNA damage response comprised several steps, sensor, transducer, and effector. When DNA DSB happen, the sensor, MRE11-RAD50-NBN (MRN) complex, is recruited to the DSB site [4]. ATM is present as a dimer or higher order multimer in unstressed cell with the kinase domain bound to a region surrounding Ser 1981 that is contained within the FAT domain. Cellular irradiation induces rapid intermolecular autophosphorylation of serine-1981 and this phosphorylation event results in dimer dissociation and initiation of cellular ATM kinase activity [5]. Then activated ATM recruited DSB site. Activated ATM transduces the signal to downstream effectors by phosphorylating Abstract DNA damage is a serious threat to cellular homeostasis. Damaged DNA leads to genomic instability, mutation, senescence, and/or cell death. DNA damage triggers a cellular response called the DNA damage response (DDR), followed by activation of the DNA repair machinery. DDR both maintains cellular homeostasis and prevents cancer development. Germ line mutation of DDRassociated genes can lead to cancer-susceptible syndromes. Somatic mutation of DDR-associated genes has also been reported in various tumors, including hematological malignancies. Therapeutic approaches that target the DDR and DNA repair are thus now being developed. Understanding the mechanism(s) underlying DDR and DNA repair will increase our knowledge of cancer etiology and facilitate development of cancer therapies.