The integration of surveillance data analysis, encompassing wellbore pressure, fluid flow rate, tracer injection, and recovery, is pivotal in deciphering the dynamic behavior of wells within a geothermal field. This comprehensive study focuses on the interconnectivity between producers, gauged by the reciprocal-productivity index (RPI), and the synergy between producers and injectors, assessed through capacitance-resistance modeling (CRM). The modified-Hall analysis further corroborates the performance metrics of both injectors and producers, thereby reinforcing operational excellence. These methodologies and related analytical tools are instrumental in refining field management practices.
Executing meticulous tracer tests and subsequent analyses is crucial in validating the CRM’s applicability in the field. The fusion of these investigative techniques solidifies the role of CRM in managing geothermal reservoirs. Additionally, this study sheds light on the potential compartmentalization within the reservoir and monitors the evolving performance of producers and injectors over time. Utilizing a suite of analytical tools, including RPI, CRM, and modified-Hall analysis, provides a holistic insight into the reservoir dynamics at the Alaşehir field in Türkiye, ensuring a sustainable and optimized exploitation of geothermal energy.