The Internet of Things (IoT) is enabled by the proliferation of devices such as RFIDs, sensors, and actuators. As an expected infrastructure for the envisioned concept of a Smart City, the Internet of Things (IoT) opens up new possibilities for city management. The Internet of Things vision presents intriguing and cost-effective alternatives for big data collection. The municipal rubbish bins are overflowing in many places, and they must be cleaned on a regular basis. Recently, it has been observed that dustbins in public places such as hospitals, educational institutes, and industries are overflowing. Overflowing garbage cans produce unsanitary conditions that can spread disease. Furthermore, the rapid increase in population waste leads to inefficient waste management. We designed a new method, the "Smart City Garbage Collection Monitoring System," to avert this issue. Urbanisation has increased dramatically in recent decades. At the same time, trash output is increasing. Waste management has been an important subject to consider. This system is a means of achieving this noble goal. The smart bin in this article is developed on a microcontroller-based platform Arduino UNO board, which is interfaced with a GSM modem and Ultrasonic sensor, as well as the weight Sensor, which is used to calculate the weight of the dustbins. Arduino will be programmed so that when the dustbin is filled, the remaining height from the threshold height will be displayed. Once the garbage reaches the threshold level, the ultrasonic sensor will trigger the location data, continuously alerting the required authority until the trash in the dustbin is squashed. According to the location, the power will send the message to the respective operator; a garbage vehicle can collect the garbage, which is done with the help of a robot mechanism.