Within the aerospace sector, the understanding and prediction of creep strains for materials used in high-temperature applications, such as Nickel-based super alloys, is imperative. Small punch testing offers the potential for understanding creep behavior using much less material than conventional uniaxial testing but in contrast to uniaxial creep tests, the stress in small punch creep (SPC) tests is multiaxial. SPC testing can be a valuable tool for validating models of creep deformation, but the key to unlocking its full capability is through the accurate correlation of the creep material properties measured through both techniques. As such, the focus of this paper is to correlate the creep behavior of Waspaloy obtained through conventional uniaxial testing to that obtained via small punch creep testing. Recently, and for low chrome steels, this has been achieved through use of the ksp method, but there are good reasons for believing this technique will not work so well for Nickel-based super alloys. This paper shows this to be the case for Waspaloy and proposes some alternative methods of correlation based on combining the Monkman–Grant relation and the Wilshire equations for both uniaxial and small punch creep. It was found that this latter approach enabled the accurate conversion of SPC minimum displacement rates to equivalent uniaxial minimum creep rates which, when combined with the Wilshire equations, enabled SPC test loads to be converted into equivalent uniaxial stresses (and visa versa) with levels of accuracy that were significantly reduced when compared to using the ksp method. Further, the random error associated with these conversions were dramatically increased.