“…We anticipated that reactions to the COVID‐19 pandemic would probably be complex and nuanced. Consider that experimentally induced COVID threats among White Americans have increased discrimination towards Asians (see Lu et al., 2021; Zhao et al., 2022), whereas a British study (Meleady & Hodson, 2022) tracking naturally occurring changes in COVID‐perceptions over time found that decreases in COVID‐threat coincided with reduced outgroup avoidance (and no changes in anti‐immigrant attitudes). Consider also that, during COVID‐19, RWA (characterized by conventionality, submission to authorities, and punitiveness towards outgroups) decreased in Germany (Heller et al., 2022) but increased in the United States (Pazhoohi & Kingstone, 2021), whereas other American research found little association between political ideology and objective COVID‐related changes (e.g., cases; restrictions) (Stern & Axt, 2022).…”