“… 10 , 12 This includes several recent reviews highlighting inaccurate content, lack of appropriate screening processes, lack of expert involvement, poor or unclear evidence base of content, and poor validation. 6 , 13 – 20 This may increase the risk of misinformation and subsequent consequences including injury, complications, and/or adverse pregnancy outcomes for both the mother and child. 17 Whilst a variety of tools and frameworks, including the Mobile Application Rating Scale (MARS); 21 Coventry, Aberdeen, and London-Refined (CALO-RE) framework; 22 and APPLICATIONS (app comprehensiveness, price, privacy, literature used, in-app purchases, connectivity, advertisements, text search field, images/videos, other special features, navigation ease, and subjective presentation) scoring system, 23 are available to evaluate mHealth apps, they predominantly assess engagement, functionality, aesthetics, and information quality.…”